Tuesday, 2 October 2012

modals. (element of word)

      Today class is another best and enjoy class day, because Madam introduces us to modals. What is a modal? Madam asks, some of us say that it got to do with money. Because in Malay modals referring to our budget. But in this case modal is not budgeting; it is something that got to do with word element. 
  • ·         Ability à can
  • ·         Possibility/ probability à would/maybe
  • ·         Capability
  • ·         Certainty à might/ may/must

(Example of modals)
      Madam has made it clear to us what is a modals. Then this word got their degree of uses. From the top is the higher (strong meaning) and the less bottom is (not strong meaning I think) this is example of the degree that Madam had drawn and I copy it.

degree of word
Then today we got to fill the blank in It Will Rain by Bruno Mars. As usual we will Google the Lyric when we don’t know it; this is what student nowadays does. We get it but, not everything is the correct word to be filling in. Madam then asks who got this song in their phone. Afiq got the song in the phone. Madam plays the song and notice that not every word we fill in the blank is the correct one. We shouldn’t believe Google 100%. You see I’m using modals, in my word (please see the red and bold wordJ). Then Madam told us to change the word in the blank with another than the lyric itself. When we change it, and yes the meaning also changing. Can you detect the different? Here is the picture of the lyric.

sorry, the picture got my shadow. hehehehee
As usual Madam also gives us the exercises that we need to do that are related to what we have just learn. But in the end of the class madam told us to create six or more than six word that should have these modals in our word. The word that we are going to write must get to do with our future which is in ten years coming. Now I have my future plan, thank you Madam.
Here are my list or future plans:
·         I will get my driving license.
·         I will drive my own car (Ferrari perhaps) hahahahahaaa
·         I would have my own house
·         I might be working at TV3
·         I must be a good wife
·         I can be a good daughter (Insha’Allah)
·         I should have my own company
·         I may be a good leader
·         I could be a newscaster/ journalist
·         I would go to Korea and meet with my idol BEAST ^^
    So here is my future plan, pray for my successful ok? Amin.

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