Monday, 19 November 2012

The Chart (Graph).

Today post I would like to talk about chart, because this is what I learn in previous class. I bet many of us already know what is chart. We have learned about chart since us in primary school. There are much type of chart for example pie chart, bar chart, line chart and area chart. But in previous class Madam Baiti give us a module of paper for us to study the paper and we have to make an exercise from the module. The module is about graph chart. We have to analysis the graph and make a report or article based on the graph. It is like study comprehension in school day. But, even though we already in university we still have to learn about it. Because this is Profienciency English class, so we have to learn grammar and all of those thingy back from the starting. We cannot say that if we already in university level our English level is already good enough for us; sometimes it is just good to learn from starting to improve our self.

There are many example of word to use when we are writing based on the information that is given from the graph itself. For example:


  • ·         Analyse the task given
  • ·         Underline key words
  • ·         Study the stimulus and graphic aid

  • ·         Jot down 3 main points quickly
  • ·         Expand points
  • ·         Use key words or phrases

  • ·         Organize your points
  • ·         Number your points in logical sequence
  • ·         Insert linkers or useful expressions
  • ·         The introduction should describe what the graph shows
  • ·         The conclusion should describe the important/broad trend shown

 so that all the tips for today, enjoy your day ^^

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